Portfolio Redesign

The redesign of my portfolio has finally gone live, I hope you like it! I wanted something a bit cleaner looking than the old site – I fiddled around for ages in Photoshop, but I’m a really harsh judge of my own work (I never feel like it’s good enough!) so I opted for a customised version of Classica instead.  Otherwise I’d never be finished!

There’s an easter egg on the homepage – it’s pretty good, so it’s almost a shame it’s hidden.  I think I might put it on it’s own page next week. (I should mention, it uses the HTML5 Canvas API, so it’s been disabled for anything that doesn’t support Canvas.  Get a better browser!)

In other news: I went to not one, but two of Remy (& Julieanne!) Sharp’s workshop’s recently – they were both part of the LeftLogic Big Workshop Tour.  The first was the HTML5 APIs one in Manchester, the second was the Node.JS last week in London.  They were both pretty awesome, and I met some really cool people, but I’m not going to write about them right now, because I couldn’t do them justice in this short blog post.  A workshop review is definitely on my to-do list.

Work on my jQuery liteAccordion plugin has slowed since it’s last release, but I have a lot of big plans for it when I finally get some free time (damn clients, paying my bills *grumble*)

Anyways, happy bank holiday!  If you have any feedback regarding the redesign (or the little surprise on the homepage) please let me know in the comments below.
